You are going to study in France, work with French people or in Brussels or in a French speaking country?
Start learning French with Learn France!
Start learning French within a small group near Montmartre. There 4 people per group. Having lessons in very small groups gives you the advantage of being able to study more intensively and in a more personalized way.
France and Paris at your home! Start learning French online with a native French teacher. Practice your language online, meet your teacher and other students - like in the physical classroom. You will learn the basic skills to find quickly your way around in France. Online classes have a high intensity level, knowledge is enforced.

Started Feb 14
225 eurosLoading availability...
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In Paris
4 people max
2 x 45 mn per course
Once a week
10 weeks, 20 x 45 mn
3 times a week
4 weeks, 24 x 45 mn
20 x 45mn 370 €*
24 x 45mn 408 €*
*The fee does not include the book.You can buy the book yourself or Learn France can provide it (32 €).
Discount for re-enrollment
8 people max
2 x 45 mn per course
Once a week
10 weeks, 20 x 45 mn
20 x 45mn 300 €*
*The fee does not include the book.
You can buy the book yourself or Learn France can provide it.
Discount for re-enrollment
This short test will help us to evaluate YOUR LEVEL and find your French courses. We will contact you for an online short meeting.

Do you need more information? Do you prefer a tailored-made courses when you stay in Paris? Do not hesitate to contact us.